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Observability insights: navigating deterministic and probabilistic profiling

15 December 2023
Thomas di Luccio
Thomas di Luccio
DevRel Engineer

Observability is about gaining deeper insights into application behavior from the inside out. By harnessing data from various components, developers can have a front-row seat to watch the intricate workings of their applications—get your popcorn at the ready.

Imagine having X-ray vision for your applications—seeing performance pitfalls, and architectural bottlenecks, and understanding exactly where to focus your efforts. This is what observability brings to the development table. When seamlessly integrated into development and deployment workflows, observability not only saves time and effort—it elevates them to best practice standards.

With Upsun, we're not just advocating for observability; we're making it a seamlessly unified experience. Our robust PaaS offers observability out of the box. 

What is profiling?

Profiling is a dynamic analysis process that measures the complexity of certain parts of a web application. Many metrics can be collected with a profile. This can range from the time taken for certain functions to execute, memory consumed by the software, or even the frequency of function calls. In this article, we’ll spotlight two key observability approaches: deterministic and probabilistic profiling.

Deterministic profiling

A deterministic profiler, such as Blackfire for PHP and Python, captures a wealth of metrics for every function and service call during a particular request or script's execution.

Deterministic profiling lets you understand precisely what happened during an isolated event. It does not, however, provide any information about other events that may have occurred at the same time.

Probabilistic profiling

Probabilistic profiling is taking periodic snapshots. It taps into data points at defined intervals, recording functions or services summoned by any active request or script. This method paints a broader picture of your application's behavior over time, although some specific event details might be glossed over due to sampling rates.

Deterministic and probabilistic profiling serve distinct roles, much like medical imaging tools. Claiming that fMRI is superior to a PET Scan or ultrasound is misguided; each has its unique diagnostic function.

Pros and cons

  • Deterministic profiling: Its strength lies in precision, facilitating meticulous script analysis. But it's resource-intensive, which can lead to considerable overhead and potential data overload, making analysis potentially tedious.
  • Probabilistic profiling: Lightweight and scalable, it's tailored for holistic application oversight. However, its periodic snapshots might miss rapid function calls, yielding a not-so-perfect application map.

Why observability matters

In an era dominated by microservices, cloud architectures, and distributed systems, ensuring that our applications function optimally is vital. Both deterministic and probabilistic profiling offer valuable insights into system performance through:

  1. Bug identification: Profiling helps identify areas where the code might be underperforming or causing issues, leading to quicker resolutions.
  2. Optimization: Through profiling, developers can pinpoint inefficient areas in their code and optimize them for better performance.
  3. Resource allocation: By understanding which parts of the code consume more resources, developers can make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Both deterministic and probabilistic profiling have their place in the development workflow. While the former offers a detailed, granular perspective, the latter provides a broader, more scalable approach. Depending on the project's nature and the challenges at hand, developers might opt for one over the other or even use both in tandem.

Upsun uniquely provides both solutions. A deterministic profiler through an included Blackfire subscription for your PHP and Python applications, and probabilistic profiler for your NodeJS and Go ones. And, detailed infrastructure metrics complete the observability tool set for all applications.

Get started!

Incorporating observability tools, including either deterministic or probabilistic profiling, into the development lifecycle isn't just a nice-to-have—it's essential for modern software development. It not only ensures better-performing applications but also results in a more streamlined and proactive approach to development.

Stay ahead of the curve by integrating these profiling techniques into your workflow and experience the difference firsthand. Observability is not just about watching; it's about understanding and optimizing. Find out more about Upsun Observability in our dedicated docs.


What are the main differences between deterministic and probabilistic profiling in observability?
Deterministic profiling captures detailed metrics for every function and service call during a specific request or script execution, providing precise insights but potentially causing significant overhead. Probabilistic profiling, on the other hand, takes periodic snapshots at defined intervals, offering a broader picture of the application's behavior over time with minimal resource usage, though it might miss rapid function calls due to its sampling nature.

How does Upsun support both deterministic and probabilistic profiling for different programming languages?
Upsun provides deterministic profiling through an included Blackfire subscription for PHP and Python applications, allowing for detailed analysis of script execution. For NodeJS and Go applications, Upsun offers probabilistic profiling, which captures periodic snapshots to provide a scalable overview of the application's performance. Additionally, Upsun includes detailed infrastructure metrics for all applications, ensuring a comprehensive observability toolkit.

Why is incorporating profiling techniques into the development lifecycle considered essential in modern software development?
Incorporating profiling techniques into the development lifecycle is essential because it ensures better-performing applications by identifying and resolving performance issues, optimizing code, and making informed decisions about resource allocation. Profiling facilitates a more streamlined and proactive approach to development, helping developers understand and optimize their applications effectively.

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