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To Upsun, a WordPress migration story

19 February 2024
Chad Carlson
Chad Carlson
Senior Manager, Developer Relations

It’s been an exciting time since we launched Upsun, and as you can imagine, we’ve all been doing a lot of experimenting. We’re testing the edges of frameworks we’ve always wanted to deploy, using Upsun as the perfect excuse to take an hour or two to try ‘em out.

We’re also doing a lot of migrations. Taking sites often deployed on and comparing their configuration, performance, and resource flexibility on Upsun.

So we were delighted when a colleague brought a WordPress art portfolio project into our Slack channel which he was trying to migrate with the following specs:

  • Standard Plan
  • A single primary developer
  • 20GB of storage
  • Running on PHP 7.4
  • Using MariaDB 11.2

This post sets out to share what I did to help him migrate this project to Upsun from Feel free to follow along on the experiment, just note that I:

  • Had already installed the Upsun CLI
  • Already created an account and organization on

And the same goes for Now, let's get into it!

1. Setting up

I started by working from the original project on, which we'll refer to here with the project ID Xplatform-shX. We'll migrate it to a project on Upsun, which we'll refer to here with the project ID YYYYupsunYYYY. To set up a project for migration from to Upsun, complete the following:

  1. Clone the project repository: platform get Xplatform-shX
  2. Create an Upsun project: upsun project:create
  3. Configure Upsun as a remote: upsun project:set-remote YYYYupsunYYYY

2. Configuring for Upsun

As you may have seen, the configuration for Upsun is more or less the same as The only differences you may notice in this process relate to either the combining of configuration files or removing attributes used to configure resources on—the new resources API is the major distinguishing factor of Upsun.

Note: The items that we need to change for project configuration—as seen below—aren't specific to WordPress but apply to all migrations.

To configure our chosen WordPress project for Upsun, I completed the following steps:

1. The project shared by our colleague contained what you would expect:, .platform/services.yaml, and .platform/routes.yaml files. We now have—from project:set-remote—an .upsun directory we can add an .upsun/config.yaml file to. In this file, I included all of my configurations under some fairly intuitive keys:

# .upsun/config.yaml
    type: "php:7.4"
        wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle: "^2.4"
        psy/psysh: "^0.10.4"
      database: "db:mysql"
    disk: 19400
        source: local
        source_path: "cache"
        source: local
        source_path: "uploads"
      deploy: |
      type: mariadb:11.2
      disk: 512
      type: upstream
      upstream: "app:http"
        enabled: true
      type: redirect
      to: "https://{default}/"

Everything's now in a single file. Services are under services, routes under routes, and the single app (app) is under applications (now under the key app instead of using's name attribute).

2. On Upsun, as previously mentioned, resources are configured via the API rather than YAML. Because of this, we need to remove disk definitions for both the application (app) and the MariaDB service db.

3. Lastly, the _types_ of mounts on aren't quite the same as the options on Upsun. That is, we need to update our two mounts to use the type storage instead of local for the source attribute. The reasoning behind this comes down to naming—mounts on Upsun aren't local in the same way. Any app container can be scaled up to multiple instances, requiring data in what was previously a local mount to be shared between them. storage is just a better name for this behavior, and for a single instance the behavior is identical to For those of you who are curious, behind-the-scenes this mount type is actually a network storage service.

All of these changes result in a final configuration file, like this: 

# .upsun/config.yaml
    type: "php:7.4"
        wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle: "^2.4"
        psy/psysh: "^0.10.4"
      database: "db:mysql"
        source: storage
        source_path: "cache"
        source: storage
        source_path: "uploads"
      deploy: |
    type: mariadb:11.2
    type: upstream
    upstream: "app:http"
      enabled: true
    type: redirect
    to: "https://{default}/"

3. Data: completing the migration

With our configuration in place, we can test the project with an upsun push.

Now, if you're following along and migrating your own WordPress project to Upsun, just before the deploy hook is run you'll notice something like this:

Configuring resources
  Using default sizes
    Setting 'app' profile size to '0.5'.
    Setting 'app' disk to '512MB'.
    Setting 'db' profile size to '0.5'.
    Setting 'db' disk to '512MB'.
Creating environment main
  Starting environment
  Opening application app and its relationships
  Executing deploy hook for application app
  Opening environment
  Environment configuration
    app (type: php:7.4, cpu: 0.5, memory: 224, disk: 512)
    mariadb (type: mariadb:10.11, cpu: 0.5, memory: 1408, disk: 512)

While the resources API allows you the flexibility to modify the resources available to your containers and environments, Upsun will automatically set some reasonable default values on your first push.

Nothing really to do here, just something nice to point out, I think.

When the activity has completed we have the WordPress install screen—that is, all of our code but none of our data. So let's migrate that data, starting with the following:

  • Retrieve the database: platform db:dump
  • Retrieve the files: platform mount:download

And since this particular migration project was an art portfolio website with almost 15 GB of art in mounts, I stepped away for an episode of Ted Lasso while the download finished. When it was finished, all of the file uploads were in the resources of our new Upsun project. You can update those resources with the CLI command upsun resources:set. Here, I've kept everything the same as it was previously, only bumping up the disk allocated to app up to 20048 MB.

Then, the same thing as before in reverse to upload the data:

  • upsun sql < ZZZZ...ZZZZ--dump.sql
  • upsun mount:upload
  • Another episode of Ted Lasso for the upload

NOTE: You can bypass the intermediate step of downloading, then uploading, user files when you have many GB like this example.

scp -r "$(platform ssh -p Xplatform-shX -e main --pipe)":/app/public_html/wp-content/uploads/* "$(upsun ssh -p YYYYupsunYYYY -e main --pipe)":/app/public_html/wp-content/uploads

4. Success!

And just like that, our project—short of adding our domain—has been migrated to Upsun from

Now that we’re finished we can:

Best of luck with your own migrations! Join our community to let us know how it’s going.


What are some common challenges when migrating large media files from to Upsun, and how can they be addressed?
Migrating large media files can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. One common challenge is the transfer speed, especially when dealing with gigabytes of data. To address this, it's recommended to use direct server-to-server transfers via secure copy (SCP) to bypass the intermediate step of downloading and then uploading files. This approach reduces the overall migration time and minimizes the risk of data corruption during transfer.

How does Upsun handle automatic resource allocation during the initial deployment, and how can this be customized?
Upsun automatically sets reasonable default values for resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space during the initial deployment. These defaults are based on the application's profile and the specified service types. Developers can customize these resource allocations by using the resources API to adjust settings based on the application's specific needs. This customization ensures optimal performance and resource utilization tailored to the application's requirements.

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