Estimate your costs
Configure project resources
Production environment
Preview environments
How many preview environments do you need?
Preview environment estimated costs are based on the default minimum for each application or service and assumes the preview environment is active for the entire month. After 15 days, the preview environment pauses itself and stops consuming resources, so its billing will also stop automatically.
Project fee
A flat €9.00 project fee per month includes:
- Instant cloning of preview environments
- 30 days of infrastructure metrics
- Continuous profiling
- 2.5 hours of build CPU
- 5 hours of build memory
- 500,000 ingress requests
Resources subtotal*
*This estimate doesn't include optional add-ons for CDN, WAF, and user management or overage charges for backups, egress bandwidth, and ingress requests. For more information about add-ons and overage costs, visit our pricing page.
Add users to your organization
Invite users to your organization so they can access your project. User licenses are billed monthly by organization regardless of how many projects you have.
- Free viewers
- Organization permissions
- Teams management
- MFA enforcement
- SSO (coming soon)
User license subtotal
Estimated monthly costs
Project costs
Production resources
0.1 CPU, 352 MB RAM, Instances: 1
Disk storage: 0 GB
0.1 CPU, 64 MB RAM, Instances: 1
Disk storage: 1 GB
Preview environment resources x 0
Origin bandwidth
10 GB
Origin requests
500 K
Project fee
A flat fee per month that includes instant cloning of preview environments, infrastructure metrics, 15 minutes of continuous profiling, 2.5 hours of build CPUs, 5 hours of build memory, 10 GB of bandwidth, and 500,000 ingress requests for your project.
Organization costs
You can have multiple projects within your organization.
Users x 1
Support fees are automatically added to your monthly total and calculated as 10% of your total cost.
First Project Incentive
For each organization you create on Upsun, we’ll cover the equivalent cost of your first user license and first project fee — every month. To get started, just add on your resources. See details
Green Region
Receive a 3% discount on your Upsun resource usage when you choose to deploy to a data center in one of six, incentive-eligible greener regions. Learn more